Wotb Amx Elc Bis

Amx elcには、sofam 8 gxbエンジンが搭載されていた。オチキス社の計画により制作された車台で、いくつかのモデルの砲塔(amx elc bis)の試験が行われた。この車輌は駆動用懸架装置に、4つの転輪と2つのトップローラーをそれぞれ両側に備えていた。.


Wotb amx elc bis. It's brilliant Get the bloody tankIts completely different and unique and super super mobile and invisible and just brilliantThe endFor apple toting hum. VIII AMX 13 90 Defender;. Jan 09 21 Missing Super Chaffee Started by PipeMajor, Jan 07 21 5 reply 370 view;.

This World of Tanks ELC AMX guide was written by Ambruz and is the first guest article to appear on WoT Guru If you are interested in having an article or guide posted on here you can contact me here, on the WoT Guru Facebook page, or on the World of Tanks forums As a “TD” the deck is totally stacked against the ELC. I think the AMX ELC bis turret should be buffed because Im getting sick and tired of dying and dying by the artys. The AMX 50 B is a French tier 10 heavy tank Developed starting in 1951 by DEFA, the state weapons design bureau By 1958, the AMX 50 B received a number of improvements, including a lowprofile cast hull and torsionbar suspension A new oscillating turret with a 1mm gun was also mounted on the vehicle.

Enough to wipe the majority of hitpoints from other light tanks at its tier However, its plagued with low DPM and poor. Ich habe mir vor ein paar en den ersten richtigen Scout in meine Garage gestellt da ich auch mal Erfahrung in Sachen spoten, scouten ect haben wollte, und dann bin ich schnell beim ELC gelandet (Free Exp durch den SCHLIMMPANZER Amx 40 lässt grüßen) Ich bin zwar nur ~35 Gefechte bisher gefahren aber bin eigentlich relativ gut. AMX 50 Foch AMX 50 100 B1 ARL V39 Renault R35 AMX 50 1 AMX AC mle 48 D2 AMX 50 Foch (155) AMX 13 90 S35 CA AMX 13 75 ARL 44 BDR G1 B Somua SAu 40 AMX AC mle 46 AMX 38 BatChâtillon 25 t AP AMX ELC bis AMX 50 B AMX 12 t BatChâtillon 25 t FCM 50 t AMX M4 mle 45.

AMX ELC Bis track segment AMX ELC Bis The second AMX proposal for the ELC project The goal was to create a lightweight, air transportable light tank/tank destroyer The AMX version mounted a conventional 90mm cannon unlike the solutions found in the other projects The Bis version improved over the original hull, and had 5 road wheels. VIII AMX 50 100;. AMX ELC bis posted in Leichte Panzer Hallo Panzerfreunde !.

坦克世界 AMX ELC bis 8杀 4千6伤害 穆勒万卡 LachoWoTReplays 1087 播放 · 15 弹幕 坦克世界 AMX ELC bis 8杀 3千8伤害 冰川之地 LachoWoTReplays 674 播放 · 13 弹幕 《WOTB》AMX ELC 2型,三合一小视频. AMX Elec Bis posted in French Tanks I just recently got this tank and I notice that the turret does not fully rotate Are all the tanks in this line like that?. French light tanks are slow and have thick armour at lower tiers, but with the paradigm shift in WWII armoured warfare they trade their armor for speed at higher tiers They gain the ability to use autoloaders much earlier than the other French lines Combined with their high speed and small size, they become deadly hitandrun vehicles.

Posted in General Discussion I just got the biscuit last night and am curious what you folks recommend for equipment load out I immediately noticed that the traverse is not that great, so Im thinking that improved control is the way to go for that slot but I could see how engine accelerator might also be useful for a tank so reliant on its. AMX Elc bis turret rotation posted in French Vehicles Was spectating a game after I got taken out and saw an AMX Elc bis take on two tanks and when he got cornered he was able to rotate his turret 90 degrees to the right I thought the elc only had a 15 degree rotation in each direction I checked mine and it still only has the 15 degree rotation so it wasnt in the latest update that. AMX ELC bis posted in The Barracks Just the other night I was finishing my last match when I got a message It was late and I was tired so I shut down the console and went to bed I didnt read the message till the next evening when I logged on again It said simply F the beetles I was puzzled till I remembered that my last match was in my AMX ELC bis and I had not done well, I zigged when.

0 AMX ELC bis Covenanter M24 Chaffee M7 T50 T502 VK 1602 Leopard Medium Tanks 25TP KSUST II Cavalier DS PZInż M4 Improved M4A1 Sherman M4E4 Sherman Matilda Black Prince Matilda IV P43 PzKpfw III Ausf. AMX 50 Foch AMX 50 100 B1 ARL V39 Renault R35 AMX 50 1 AMX AC mle 48 D2 AMX 50 Foch (155) AMX 13 90 S35 CA AMX 13 75 ARL 44 BDR G1 B Somua SAu 40 AMX AC mle 46 AMX 38 BatChâtillon 25 t AP AMX ELC bis AMX 50 B AMX 12 t BatChâtillon 25 t FCM 50 t AMX M4 mle 45. VIII AMX M4 49;.

坦克世界 AMX ELC bis 8杀 4千6伤害 穆勒万卡 LachoWoTReplays 1087 播放 · 15 弹幕 坦克世界 AMX ELC bis 8杀 3千8伤害 冰川之地 LachoWoTReplays 674 播放 · 13 弹幕 《WOTB》AMX ELC 2型,三合一小视频. 参考画像AMX ELC bis 90 mm D915 史実砲の1つであり公式Twitterにてお披露目された際の画像でも搭載されていた。後述するがステータスバーの余剰はこの90mm砲搭載を考慮したものと考えられる. AMX ELC bis turret needs to be buffed posted in General Discussion Isnt the turret on the AMX ELC bis supposed to go full rotation?.

Best equipment for AMX ELC bis?. AMX ELC bis AMX ELC bis Přejít na navigace, hledán í This article requires additional modification Magazine Size Nelze najít odpovídající nastavení pro dotaz gunelc_amxstockclipcount roundChyba ve výrazu Nerozpoznané slovo „nelze. AMX ELC bis is FUN • WoT Blitz Gameplay YouTube The AMX ELC bis is a French tier 5 light tank ► Send your replays at SendBlitz@gmailcom AMX ELC bis WoT Blitz Gameplay — 2301 damage, 7 kills,.

Also tagged with French, AMX, ELC, 90mm, 48 Blitz Staff Corner → Suggestions & Feedback → AMX 13 105 Could it be added?. WG, please explain to me what this is!. The ELC AMX gets scout matchmaking, so even though it is a tier 5 tank it sees tier 68 battles In tier 8 battles, you face tanks that can 1shot your tank, so you have to play more carefully as compared to tier 6 battles.

The ingame Recovery tool allows players to restore Premium, Collector and Event vehicles The characteristics of collector vehicles could change You can. Advice welcome and post an ace vid if ya got one. VIII AMX AC 48;.

Low HP, Low DPM, Penetration 1, Damage 160, Reload time 771, Fast, Small, Good mobility, Good view range, High damage All about the tank hidden stats, armor, 3D. The AMX ELC bis is one funny little cockroach of a tank No armour, great mobility and with an awkward turret Here’s a guide on how to play it ⭐ Like my co. Developed from 1957 through 1961 to provide French airborne troops with an airtransportable vehicle that could engage heavy tanks The vehicle mounted a 90mm gun and had a very low silhouette The two crew members were seated in the turret, which could turn through 360 degrees, but only when the vehicle was not moving Variants with different guns were planned Only one prototype was.

The AMX ELC bis is a tier 5 French light tank, it is preceded by the B1 and succeeded by the AMX 12 t 1 Ingame description 2 Strategy 21 Pros 22 Cons 3 Specifications 31 General 32 Modules 4 Ammo 5 History 6 Trivia 7 Gallery 71 Historical Gallery The AMX ELC bis, otherwise called as. Started by Terminat0r7, Jan 08 21 3 reply 390 view;. The ELC was going to get the 90mm in Blitz but WG changed their mind at the last minute so the gun is coded in Blitz but unavailable My guess is it would have made the ELC a bit OP It already does well with the 75mm Personally I’d love to see an ELC90 at tier 6, preferably with an appropriately higher ROF.

Under the train (AMX elc bis) Canyon On the underside of the toppled train (Hetzer) Fuel tank (Lttb or bt7 tanks similar to t44 work well as well) Dunes Under the ramps (Ru 251) Last updated 12/2/18 9 comments share save hide report 78% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by. Maus FV215B Leopard 1 IS4 STB1 M48 Patton tier 15 M48 Patton tier 610 T110E5 FV215B (1) AMX 50B Tank Guides Foch 155 Russian Lights T110 American Lights Lycan Obj 263 Obj 268 Type 62 Progetto 46 E100. Yeet here Yeet thereI did it again guys, I got another Ace tanker badge in the AMX ELC Bisthis time I had to fight Anime to win xD.

AMX ELC bis IV The AMX 40 is a French tier 4 light tank Development started in March 1940 Almost all armor plates had a complex and curvilinear shape, and the hull featured few, if any, right angles The AMX 40 was supposed to replace the Somua S35 and S40 in 1941–1942, but the project was discontinued in July 1940 Existed only. AMX ELC bis posted in Leichte Panzer Hallo Panzerfreunde !. Developed from 1957 through 1961 to provide French airborne troops with an airtransportable vehicle that could engage heavy tanks The vehicle mounted a 90mm gun and had a very low silhouette The two crew members were seated in the turret, which could turn through 360 degrees, but only when the vehicle was not moving Variants with different guns were planned Only one prototype was.

Posted in The Barracks I got this little bestie back again Put in a new crew with top package 90 mm Did crap Went crap again and again Now i feel less of tanker and reverted to the 75mm First game 1st on a win Hmmm Maybe i just need that turnable turret for ny playstyle So should i suck it up and get gud with 90?. AMX ELC bis Light BDR G1 B Heavy S35 CA Tank Destroyer Tier VI AMX 12 t Light ARL 44 Heavy ARL V39 Tank Destroyer Eraser BP44 Heavy Tier VII AMX 13 57 Light AMX 13 75 Light AMX AC mle 46 Tank Destroyer AMX M4 mle 45 Heavy Tier VIII AMX 13 90 Light Tank AMX 50 100 Heavy AMX AC mle 48 Tank Destroyer. AMX ELC bis equipment poll What do you recommend?.

The AMX ELC bis is a fun tank only because of the speed This is a worthless scout only because it has a hull lock and cannot circle a tank and shoot at the same time We do not recommend this tank as a keeper Shells for the AMX ELC bis Standard rounds given AMX ELC bis Supplies The following are supplies we recommend for the AMX ELC bis. AMX ELC Bis Spoiler The last design of the ELC project that was built with the hope to be produced the AMX ELC bis was a improved version based on the Hotchkiss TT 6 a new smaller turret was design and the engine was a bit more powerful the tank was slightly bigger but was a bit more armored for the same weight a single prototype was built. AMX ELC bis IV The AMX 40 is a French tier 4 light tank Development started in March 1940 Almost all armor plates had a complex and curvilinear shape, and the hull featured few, if any, right angles The AMX 40 was supposed to replace the Somua S35 and S40 in 1941–1942, but the project was discontinued in July 1940 Existed only.

Because its turret traverse is 44 deg/s and its supposed to turn 360 deg Am I right or am I wrong?. TIA Jump to content Search Advanced Search section Don't worry, it's just the ELC with limited turret rotation Starting with the tier VI AMX 12t, you get fully rotating. ELC AMX Prototypes of the AMX ELC were manufactured by GIAT Industries under the AMX (Ateliers de construction d'IssylesMoulineaux) designation, however the vehicle was not massproduced and did not formally enter military service The vehicle weighed 6 tons, with the driver and gunner located on either side of the 90mm D 915 gun mounted on the turret.

VIII FCM 50 t;. WoT Blitz World of Tanks Blitz (WoTB) League Glafi WoT Blitz в ВК http//vkcom/glafiwotblitz • Не пропускай наши стримы. VIII Lorraine 40 t;.

ELC is not terrible though (I would take Crusader over this tank however) It is very quick to reposition, it has a super low profile which means great camo values, and the vision is also good At least at the beginning of the game, you need to either play it like a tank destroyer or passively spot. The AMX ELC bis is a French tier 5 light tank Developed from 1957 through 1961 to provide French airborne troops with an airtransportable vehicle that could engage heavy tanks The vehicle mounted a 90mm gun and had a very low silhouette. Started by Kiwi_Kebab, 28 Dec amx , light , amx 13 , new , theory.

The AMX ELC bis is a fun tank only because of the speed This is a worthless scout only because it has a hull lock and cannot circle a tank and shoot at the same time We do not recommend this tank as a keeper Shells for the AMX ELC bis Standard rounds given AMX ELC bis Supplies The following are supplies we recommend for the AMX ELC bis. Light AMX ELC bis and it is close (Leo of course) I give the nod because of the sheer fun of driving entire battles without ever taking my finger off 'w' (PC player obviously) Most of my biscuit battles were spent weaving in and out of red teams and circling around the battle resetting camo, then drive by shooting some reds and repeating. Next up in line is the AMX ELC This is where these tanks start to get a load faster and lose all their armour The turret on this is not fully rotational wh.

AMX ELC bis video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior Developed from 1957 through 1961 to provide French airborne troops with an airtransportable vehicle that could engage heavy tanks The vehicle mounted a 90mm gun and had a very low silhouette The two crew members were seated in the turret, which could. The AMX ELC bis has two gun options that change how the tank plays drastically The 76mm allows the tank to have a fully functional turret at the cost of damage per shot Using the 90mm only allows the turret to rotate across the front of the tank With the 90mm you gain more damage upside if you can harness it. The ingame Recovery tool allows players to restore Premium, Collector and Event vehicles The characteristics of collector vehicles could change You can.

Under the train (AMX elc bis) Canyon On the underside of the toppled train (Hetzer) Fuel tank (Lttb or bt7 tanks similar to t44 work well as well) Dunes Under the ramps (Ru 251) Last updated 12/2/18 9 comments share save hide report 78% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by. Advice on amx elc bis posted in The Barracks Any and all advice is welcome, as Im not sure I want to run this tank like my chaffee which is an active scout and my preferred scout playstylebut I have seenand heard people do extremely well with the elc as passive scouts (binos /net) So im wondering how should I do itit does have some extreme camo so getting to those scout spots. Jan 08 21 wz 132 tier 8 chinese light Started by Snakey_snake, Jan 05 21 1 reply.

The AMX ELC bis, simply known as ELC, may be laughable when you see the weak armor, but you have to be able to see the tank to even shoot it With the best camouflage of any light tank in the game, it deserves this spot over the also favorable Chaffee You can also go for a higher penetrating gun, but a nonrotating turret. VIII M4A1 Rev VIII AMX CDC;. VIII AMX 13 90;.

French ELC EVEN 90 Light Tank A tiny French Light tank It’s indeed very small – even smaller than wellknown AMX ELC bis Its armour is also thin – 15/10/10 mm It’ll be a mobile “tiny tot”, with specific power of 24 hp/t with an autoloader gun for 5 shells with a total damage around 10. WOTB6 vs elc 娱乐视频 坦克世界闪击战 AMX ELC is6 6 vs elc AMX ELC bis 6杀手elc 评论 Darth_Kotori 发消息 Dead 相关推荐. Mit dem Wiederherstellungswerkzeug im Spiel können Spieler und Spielerinnen Premium, Sammler und Eventfahrzeuge wiederherstellen Die Eigenschaften von.

The AMX ELC bis is a Tier V French Light Tank Like almost all other French tanks, it has paper thin armor but is very quick and light, combined with a low profile makes it an excellent product It has a gun slightly inaccurate gun that produces a good damage per shot;. The AMX 13 75 is an evolution of the design concepts introduced with the AMX 12t It keeps the good parts and fixes most of the flaws Once upgraded, the improved accuracy of the gun allows for longrange firing, when desired The wider tracks possibly improve offroad performance slightly As with the AMX 12t, this tank is primarily a flanker. Ich habe mir vor ein paar en den ersten richtigen Scout in meine Garage gestellt da ich auch mal Erfahrung in Sachen spoten, scouten ect haben wollte, und dann bin ich schnell beim ELC gelandet (Free Exp durch den SCHLIMMPANZER Amx 40 lässt grüßen) Ich bin zwar nur ~35 Gefechte bisher gefahren aber bin eigentlich relativ gut.

0 AMX ELC bis Covenanter M24 Chaffee M7 T50 T502 VK 1602 Leopard Medium Tanks 25TP KSUST II Cavalier DS PZInż M4 Improved M4A1 Sherman M4E4 Sherman Matilda Black Prince Matilda IV P43 PzKpfw III Ausf. The tech trees in WoTB have been changed many times, AMX ELC bis AMX ELC bis → AMX 12 t AMX 12 t → AMX 13 75 AMX 13 75 → AMX 13 90 AMX 13 90 → B‑C 25 t AP B‑C 25 t AP → B‑C 25 t B‑C 25 t French Premium and Collector Tanks Tier Light Tanks. AMX ELC Bis track segment AMX ELC Bis The second AMX proposal for the ELC project The goal was to create a lightweight, air transportable light tank/tank destroyer The AMX version mounted a conventional 90mm cannon unlike the solutions found in the other projects The Bis version improved over the original hull, and had 5 road wheels.

ELC is not terrible though (I would take Crusader over this tank however) It is very quick to reposition, it has a super low profile which means great camo values, and the vision is also good At least at the beginning of the game, you need to either play it like a tank destroyer or passively spot. The real AMX ELC bis memeassuming competent drivers all around Image 9 comments share save hide report 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 7 points · 3 years ago One shot an AMX ELC while he was trying to flank me Most satisfying feeling, followed by. This World of Tanks ELC AMX guide was written by Ambruz and is the first guest article to appear on WoT Guru If you are interested in having an article or guide posted on here you can contact me here, on the WoT Guru Facebook page, or on the World of Tanks forums As a “TD” the deck is totally stacked against the ELC.

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Aug 7 19 The M4 Fl10 A Wonder Drum World Of Tanks Blitz Tog Ii The M4 Fl10 Is A Tank Of Many Faces It S Both French And American A Medium And A Light Tank A Drummer And Not A Drummer Let S Make Sense Of This Riddle Youtu Be

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Amx Elc Bis 90mm Status Report

Amx Elc Bis 90mm Status Report

World Of Tanks Tier V Light Tanks Initial Stats

World Of Tanks Tier V Light Tanks Initial Stats

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